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Lámpara LED para armario Creative

Lámpara LED para armario Creative
$ 1 325.22
Descripción del Producto
- LED lamp with universal use
- Ideal for cabinets, drawers and as a bedside lamp
- On/auto/off modes - lamp in auto mode works on motion sensor
- Easy installation - the lamp is attached to the surface using a plate with double-sided tape and a magnet
- Built-in Micro USB input for charging the lamp (cable included)
- Neutral light color 4200K
- Power: 0.7 W
- Luminous flux: 70 Lm
ancho: 5 cmaltura: 1.8 cmprofundidad: 10 cm
s5/g10/w1.8 cm
- White
- Black
- Plastic
- Metal