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Estante colgante grande Frame

Estante colgante grande Frame
$ 1 799
Descripción del Producto
The Frame by Vox collection is a response to the need to furnish the living room and dining room with furniture that is modern and elegant at the same time. One that surprises not only in appearance but also in functions, making it easier for the hosts to display or hide selected items.The collection includes two hanging shelves - large and small.Particularly useful look multiplied both large and small shelves hanging next to each other.The large shelf is designed to store larger items such as books, albums, figurines or other decorations.The use of thick laminated board increases the aesthetic value of the furniture and its durability.
ancho: 75 cmaltura: 39.4 cmprofundidad: 20 cm

- Laminated board - resistant to dirt and scratches
Joanna Leciejewska
Wiktoria Lenart
Wiktoria Lenart